Helping Train Useful Gospel Workers for Scotland and Beyond…

Ὀνήσιμος - Onesimus - Useful [Philemon]

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About Us

Scotland's greatest need is for healthy gospel churches, where the Bible is taught and the gospel is held out to the world. The catalyst for that change is the training and deployment of many more Pastor-Teachers into local churches. This is where the Onesimus Fund finds its niche. Its sole purpose is to help train useful gospel workers for Scotland and Beyond. We believe that Bible Preachers and Teachers are the most precious resource in the world. Therefore training more is the very best investment we can make. Would you partner with us in this essential work by giving and praying? Together we can support gifted individuals in ongoing training. It is these people who will equip the saints, strengthen churches, mature believers and reach the lost. Investing in these people will bring gospel hope and see communities flourish again.

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Cornhill now offers the most established, efficient and effective pathway into full time ministry. [2 years doing The Cornhill Training Course, followed by three years at The Pastor's Training Course with the option of a Masters Degree from Union Theological College Belfast. All thoroughly integrated with ministry in the local church.]

How we help

The Onesimus Fund helps churches to transition people from being ministry apprentices doing The Cornhill Training Course to being Assistant Ministers doing The Pastor's Training Course. People who are trained well, train others well, thus multiplying your investment.